
Lindamar Presents "Melmë i Falassë Atto" (A Love of Two Shores)

"Beyond all hope her feet returned
at eve, when the sky there burned
the flame of stars; and in her eyes
there trembled the starlight of the skies,
and from her hair the fragrance fell
of elvenflowers in elven-dell."

Lindamar presents a music performance, telling about many elven tales of love from Middle-earth and Valinor, made of many joys and sorrows.

March 20th, 2022
4 pm Servertime / 8 pm UK / 9 pm CET
Falathlorn, Celondim Pavilion (29.4s, 92.6w)

"Narn-i-Ondolindë", the Tale of Gondolin by Lindamar

"The seven-named city 'tis that stands upon the hill,
Where all who strive with Morgoth find hope and valour still."

Lindamar presents a music performance to honor the splendor and fate of a city second only to Tirion in its beauty and valour.

October 22nd, 2019
3 pm servertime (8 pm UK)
Celondim Pavilion (29.4S, 92.6W)
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