"Narn-i-Ondolindë", the Tale of Gondolin by Lindamar

"The seven-named city 'tis that stands upon the hill,
Where all who strive with Morgoth find hope and valour still."

Lindamar presents a music performance to honor the splendor and fate of a city second only to Tirion in its beauty and valour.

October 22nd, 2019
3 pm servertime (8 pm UK)
Celondim Pavilion (29.4S, 92.6W)

Event details:

Lindamar, ensemble of Bar-en-Vanimar, invites all free people, elves and elven friends, to come and remember with us as we through music and telling honor the hidden city, the city of the singing rock, Gondolin, a city whose beauty and valour is rivalled only by its tragic fate and fall.

We gather in beautiful Lindon, at the Elven Pavillion, south and uphill of Celondim. A place of sanctity and serenity most suited for an occasion of respect and reverence to that which was tragically lost forever, lost through selfish betrayal.

Celondim Pavilion

OOC details:

This is an in-character and timeless event, as some of the band members may be elsewhere. Every one, elf-friends or good natured travelers of the free people, with a reasonable purpose for visiting or staying in area at the time of the performance, are most welcome to attend.

As this performance is dedicated to the memory of all who lived, loved, and lost in that once great city, please bring a sparkle and lantern to light for us renewed hope and show those who still wanders Arda carrying scars in their hearts and souls that we remember and care.

Elvealin, Ealendil, Norliriel, Linchil

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