Formal Attire

12th Annual Grand Elven Ball

Are you an Elf in need of celebration with music, great dance displays, culinary delights, sight of the finest clothing or delightful interaction? The annual Grand Elven Ball of Vanimar is held for 12th time! Our performers are Polnolunie and Purple Parlor Pipeweed Band.

December 5th, 2020
2 pm servertime
Kin Hall of Vanimar — 5 Waterbank Road, Lant Veren, Falathlorn Homesteads

11th Annual Grand Elven Ball

Are you an Elf in need of celebration with music, great dance displays, culinary delights, sight of the finest clothing or delightful interaction? The annual Grand Elven Ball of Vanimar is held for 11th time! Our performers are Polnolunie and Lindamar.

November 30th, 2019
2 pm (14:00) servertime / 7 pm (19:00) UK
Kin Hall of Vanimar — 5 Waterbank Road, Lant Veren, Falathlorn Homesteads
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