Laurelin Archives is MOVING!

Well, sort of— not exactly moving, but we’re growing! Laurelin Archives is extending its reach to include the Meriadoc server. This means that if you already have a character on Meriadoc, you’re now welcome to sign up with Laurelin Archives.

We deeply value the years of effort and dedication you’ve poured into your characters, and we’re committed to adapting quickly to ensure your hard work remains intact as we embrace this new chapter!

Thank you for all your support throughout the years & we are happy to hear of any suggestions you may bring forth!
"You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin - to the bitter
end." -Meriadoc


16th Annual Grand Elven Ball Menu

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

As the tradition has it, we have specialities from many Elven areas; Lindon, Lothlórien and of course only the best local treats from Imladris. The food is cooked by Telpenaro of Nargothrond, a passionate farmer and a chef.

Guests will find a selection of food on the tables, free for them to take.


Welcome Cup


The End of All Things

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Screenshot: General screen

They waited at the outpost, hoping for months. And one by one, the travelers returned to safety and warmth. Merriment and laughter, followed by plans. To see the Sea, to finish a task. To explore what had never before been seen.

Soon... When spring came. For now, there were just these moments.

The Yule Revelries Poster

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Artwork: Painting

Plastered on the noticeboards of every dwarven settlement, from Gondamon to Thorin's Hall, are posters, lovingly decorated and stamped with the seal of The Blue Mountains Regiment, inviting all good dwarves and dwarf-friends to the Annual Blue Mountains Yule Revelries.


15th Annual Grand Elven Ball Menu

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

As the tradition has it, we have specialities from many Elven areas; Lindon, Lothlórien and of course only the best local treats from Imladris. The food is cooked by Telpenaro of Nargothrond, a passionate farmer and a chef.

Guests will find a selection of food on the tables, free for them to take.


Welcome Cup


The Blue Mountains Banquet Menu

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Artwork: Artscreen

The menu for this year's banquet at the Annual Blue Mountains Yule Revelries, featuring the finest of local cheeses, meats, and refreshments!


Wedding in the White City - The Wedding Banquet

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Screenshot: General screen

The wedding-feast that followed was filled with the mirth and laughter of many friends and comrades, and at least one father and daughter.

Of dwarves and men in Erebor - Journey's End

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Screenshot: General screen

The merry fellowship of dwarves and men finally met this journey's end in the deep halls of Erebor, and after a wondrous tour over many a stair and stone, a feast awaited for the long-legged guests in the Hall Under the Mountain.

Much drink and cheer were shared as new and old friendships blossomed and prospered, and the clash of so distant cultures led to many a heartfelt laugh and woken interest between the different folks.

The Sign of a Success

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Screenshot: Event screen

With all our guests retired to their accommodations, those still standing after a night of dancing and drinking have free rein of whatever's left in the kegs. 

One binge-drinking later, our cleaners stumble across two broken tables, sticky puddles of ale and scraps of food, and a mountain of dwarves all passed out on the floors of the tavern. The signs of what must've been a truly successful dwarven Yule.

The Blue Mountains Yule Revelries

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Screenshot: Event screen

With everyone downing as much ale, mead, and imported wine as they please, the Yuletide merriment is in full swing and many take to the dance floor.

The Ale Flows Like Water!

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Screenshot: Event screen

Finishing her duties outside, Nistrid checks in with the barkeepers, only to find that they had already gone through over a third of the casks -- and the party only just started!


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