

What type of content is this?: 
Screenshot: Event screen

The guard take their posts on the bridge to the main kinhall. 

Captain of the Guard

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Screenshot: Event screen

Captain Rodtranorn leads the guard through a ceremonial parade, held as a display of military precision in order to impress our guests and future allies, Grandmaster Belenir and Azgarzr of the

The Hearth-Lady's Soldiers

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Screenshot: Event screen

Lady Omali and a company from the The Blue Mountains Regiment awaits the arrival of their honoured guests.


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Screenshot: Event screen

Captain Thonin and Froinbur stand guard at the Kinhall.


What kind of Adventure is this?: 

“I am the favorite. They know me better, love me more,”  the younger girl said.
Syllea looked at her sister with tears in her eyes, “Papa and Father love me too.” She replied, though her voice was flooded with doubt.
Em laughs at Syl, “Even I know you don’t believe that.”

The Swift Arrow

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

Nelnardis didn’t go back to sleep. She couldn’t. Not while Thendryt was still out there on his own. She stared across the empty fields around the farm where Bovad and rider had disappeared into the distance. He must have known they wouldn’t go after him until dawn. He knew he would have the entire night for his personal errands.

First Journal, Fourth Entry - Contact

What kind of Adventure is this?: 

What a sudden and unexpected turn of events! Even to this moment, as I write these lines, I find it hard to believe what has transpired... He is still alive. Imrachil, the one man to whom I owe everything, even my own existence, is alive. How can it be? My own eyes witnessed his death. Five years ago, when the corsairs came once more for raid and plunder, when I was taken forcefully, enslaved, doomed to be serving in their ships...


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