Yule-Tide Feast and Celebration

Come one, Come all!

to Lady Joselle Long's Yule-tide Feast and Celebration! 

Come celebrate the return of the Light with some of the best folks in Bree. 

All food and drinks are free. 

Gifts for kids.

Live Music and Dancing.


December 10th, 2023
2 Garden Street, Bromburg, Bree (House of Will and Jenny Longverge)

Event details:

Where: 2 Garden Street, Bromburg, Bree (House of Will and Jenny Longverge)

What: Music, dancing, feasting, drinking, sweet treats, and winter hats made for the poor and children of Bree.

When: Sunday December 10th 10am-12 Eastern Standard Time

OOC details:

(OOC: Please be IC when you arrive. This notice is posted around Bree. All food and drinks are free as are Yule gifts of winter hats and candies. Josie is hoping for volunteer staff for the event to work in shifts so everyone can enjoy themselves. Servers and waitresses, cleaning, cooks, musicians and security still all have availability. Please send an in game mail with your interest.)

Joselle Long

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